Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are online learning platforms mainly focuses on whoever is overwhelmingly busy but also wish to learn and improve themselves without attending a fixed schedule physical classroom.
Find out which are the top online courses popular among learners in Malaysia which you can take to upskill yourself or learn a new skill!
Nowadays, people are learning new skills online to upgrade themselves, whether it is related to their profession, to build a side hustle in the future, or to improve skills in a particular hobby. This flexibility is perfect for those who wish to pursue an education working full-time.
In this rapid moving world, it is a fact that humans improvise themselves constantly by learning new materials and upgrading their skills. In this article, we will kick you off with some free online courses that are up for grabs for anyone. Would you like to take a look?
With the rise of technology, now we have so many opportunities and access to books. Some people might prefer the hard copy while others would rather go with e-books or audiobooks. If any of you are interested in finding out about some e-book platforms, go ahead and check it out!
These are 5 Joyous Christmas Online Course That Could Elevate Your Party to The Next Level! It could be as simple as learning how to bake classic Xmas dessert, making handmade gifts and travelling overseas to experience a new culture of Christmas in other foreign countries! Why not consider watching a stunning Xmas musical?