Magzter Digital Magazine

Indulge in unlimited digital reading with thousands of magazines and newspapers, start your free trial today!

Magzter Digital Magazine Worldwide Quick Overview

Magzter Inc. is the world's largest and fastest growing self-service, cross-platform digital newsstand with over 70 million users since its inception in 2011 and thousands of magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages.

The Magzter platform is available as an app on Apple iOS and Android (Google Play), and a website for browser-based reading. Users can buy their magazines and newspapers on any of the devices/platforms mentioned above and seamlessly port their purchases to any other devices, a feature unique to Magzter. Magzter offers the world’s largest "All-You-Can-Read" subscription service called Magzter GOLD, which gives digital readers unlimited access to 5,000+ magazines and newspapers for a monthly subscription price.

Magzter’s game-changing feature based on Geo-Fencing Satellite technology, Magzter Smart Reading Zone®, offers unlimited access to thousands of best-selling magazines, newspapers and premium stories on the Magzter app for any location instantly, without the need for users in the location to purchase them individually.

Magzter Digital Magazine Worldwide Opportunities Overview

Magzter, the world's largest digital newsstand with thousands of magazines and newspapers in its catalogue, will change the way you read. From automotive, business, cooking, entertainment and fashion to lifestyle, news, sports, technology and travel, Magzter has magazines and newspapers across 40+ exciting categories to cater to your varied interests.

- Magzter's ezRead feature 2.0 revolutionizes the digital reading experience by presenting magazine and newspaper pages in responsive layouts that are automatically optimized for any size screen – smartphones as well as tablets.
- Access premium stories across exciting topics, curated from the best-selling magazines and newspapers.
- Download your favorite titles and read them later even when you're offline. Bookmark your favorite pages to quickly access them later.
- Enjoy unlimited reading access at Smart Reading Zones.
- Cancel Anytime (No Commitments)
- Get FREE unlimited access to 5,000+ magazines, newspapers and premium stories for 7 days!


aplikasi dengan tampilan paling menarik

Superb Opportunity!
putri rabika
2 years ago
“Majalah Magzter Digital salah satu platform majalah yang fitur-fiturnya bagus banget dan menarik. Tampilan aplikasinya juga menarik pengguna untuk menjelajahi isi dari platform ini. Majalah yang dihadirkan sangat lengkap dan tidak hanya tentang fashion. Bagi yang suka fashion seperti aku pasti akan cinta banget sama aplikasi ini, aku suka banget.”

So far the best app for reading

Superb Opportunity!
Faiza Afzal patel
2 years ago
“I don't have much time to watch news sitting in front of the tv nd newspaper it becomes easy using the app to stay updated with news of the globe movies everything just a click and that's it. I personally liked it very much whenever I am bored I use it to lighten my mood so easily accessible”

Anytime and any where read news paper

Excellent Opportunity!
Nargis Khatoon
2 years ago
“Magzter Digital magazine is a wonderful app for news reader. Those parents and students who have don't time to read the newspaper and watch the TV, it is very good for them. By use this we read news anywhere and anytime.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️”

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