
Get a premium password manager to remember and autofill passwords for all your website's account everywhere you go at just $3/month!

LastPass Worldwide Quick Overview

The best way to manage passwords. Just remember your master password and LastPass remembers the rest.

LastPass simplifying how people interact with each other and the world around them to drive meaningful insight, deeper relationships and better outcomes for all.

LastPass Worldwide Opportunities Overview

LastPass remembers all your passwords, so you don't have to.

1) Log in and go - always have it when you need it; logging in is fast and easy.

2) Simplify online shopping - auto-fill all your payment and shipping details for you.

3) Generate strong passwords - creates long, randomized passwords that protect against hacking.

4) Store digital records - Insurance cards, memberships, Wi-Fi passwords... keep all your notes safe and easy to find.

5) Share effortlessly - Conveniently and safely share passwords and notes with anyone.

6) Prepare for the unknown - Let trusted friends and family access your LastPass account in the event of an emergency or crisis.

Upgrade at $3 per month ($36 annually) to get the best of LastPass with flexible sharing and emergency access. Try today!


Most efficient web application

Superb Opportunity!
Ara Penaranda
2 years ago
“I have multiple internet accounts that I use for personal and education purposes and I always forget my passwords for each. LastPass helped me with keeping track of my passwords. With LastPass, I no longer have to worry about forgetting my passwords since they have already remembered it for me. Most efficient web application ever!”

Excellent features, easy to use

Superb Opportunity!
Mark Wu
2 years ago
“I have been using LastPass for some time, and so far it's working perfectly well in various devices and browsers I use. I like the features of cross platform syncing and password generator. Definitely recommend this.”

Awesome Password Manager

Superb Opportunity!
Wai Teng Kwan
1 year ago
“I've always had difficulty remembering my passwords and LastPass not only remembers them for me, I'm able to easily generate secure passwords on the fly. It's easy to update when changing passwords and is very convenient for day to day use. LastPass had made my life much easier!”

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