TED (Worldwide) Reviews



90 reviews

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Easy to register
Mobile device friendly
Overall experience
Worth to try

Fabulous tool to support improved knowledge of a variety of topics.

Superb Opportunity!
Patricia Revolta
New Zealand
3 weeks ago
“A colleague introduced me to TED as they used it often with their students.

A few years now. Used to support my own and student growth.

Some years I use TED more extensively than others. I particularly like the shorter topical TED talks.

High quality content presented knowledgeably is what is useful. The talks are also well curated.

I don't have anything negative to say about this service at this time.

I would definitely recommend this resource to others.

Date of this experience: 2024-04-11”
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Highly educational, is a must try for career and personal development

Superb Opportunity!
AN Francia
1 month ago
“I have been watching TED talks since 2014 since we were tasked with creating our own based on a selected topic.

I have been using it since last August 2023 and I never removed it since.

I use it at night when I am about to go to bed and during morning meal prepation

You are given an access to learn from these great people, which is something that you do not get often when you are around regular people

I dont dislike anything about it, but a bullet form of the ideas and concepts covered may be a good addition to make it usable for those with short attention spans

I highly recommend this to anyone looking to improve themselves and like to get first hand experience to the best mentor/individual knowledgeable about the subject he is interested in.

Date of this experience: 2024-04-02”
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Aplikasi yang membuka serta menambah wawasan baru bagi penggunanya. Pembicara yang dihadirkan merupakan seorang yang ahli dalam bidangnya sehingga dapat disampaikan dengan baik

Excellent Opportunity!
AA Shobirin
4 months ago
“Saya mengenal TED dari Youtube serta teman saya ketika akan belajar bahasa inggris. Saya menggunakan TED sekitar tahun 2020, sudah 3 tahun saya menggunakan TED. Saya menggunakan Seminggu sekali untuk menemukan insight baru dan ketika mencari ide tentang project.

Yang paling berguna tentang TED menurut asumsi saya adalah keilmuan yang disampaikan oleh ahlinya. Untuk video yang di aplikasi TED tidak update setiap saat berbeda dengan di channel Youtubenya

Bagi para penuntut ilmu dan anak muda yang kreatif TED merupakan aplikasi yang bagus untuk menemukan insight baru dan menemukan ide kreatif.

Date of this experience: 2023-12-06”
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Inspirational and Learning

Superb Opportunity!
Sheena Shahani Moholea
7 months ago
“One of the primary reasons people engage with TED is for inspiration and learning. TED Talks cover an incredibly diverse range of subjects, from science and technology to art, psychology, and social issues. Many viewers find these talks intellectually stimulating, thought-provoking, and inspiring. The talks often provide fresh perspectives on complex topics and showcase innovative ideas and solutions.”

Easy to be a member and interesting topics

Superb Opportunity!
Andrea Paras
8 months ago
“TED is a good.web, which gives new ideas and tips on speaking all the time. You can get to practice public speaking just by listening to the speakers they appointed to speaking front of the crowd. Awesome.”

Aplikasi yang membantu kami belajar bahasa inggris

Superb Opportunity!
Claudya Lara Rengga Rengga
8 months ago
“TED sangat membantu saya dalam belajar bahasa inggris.
Dengan mendengarkan TED Talks setiap hari, menambah pengetahuan baru, dan cerita pengalaman dari narasumber TED
TED Talks membahas banyak sekali pengalaman dari narasumber, mulai dari bisnis, pendidikan, sains, kreatifitas, maupun info terbaru”


Superb Opportunity!
Daylene Macadaya
8 months ago
“TED-Ed is a great way to take sometimes-boring subjects and transform them into engaging content by using videos. I have watched many ted talks throughout my educational career and always found them entertaining. This website is easy to navigate and you are able to filter to find the content you want. You can even filter by age, content type, subtitles, and more. The only downside is that there are some non-educational videos so it is easy to get distracted. I would recommend using it in classrooms if the teacher is displaying the video to the students so it avoids any distractions!”
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User Friendly UI with great user experince

Superb Opportunity!
Syed Shibly
8 months ago
“Very easy to access. Easily can find any information which is useful. Easily can find all the courses which is crying need. Very informative to learn. Teachers and students independently can share their ideas.”

User friendly ,with great quality and easy to manuever.

Excellent Opportunity!
nadine Hamm
10 months ago
“TED offers a wide range of motivational speeches from respectable and inspiration individual who yearn to to share experience and encourage others. For example the video by Sherry Lee Ralph stood out with her sharing her experience with growing up and working in Hollywood and how she did not give up in her aspirations despite the many negatives faced.”

Aplikasi web untuk produktivitas diri

Superb Opportunity!
Endah Widanti
1 year ago
“TED ini sangat layak untuk dicoba. Website untuk meningkatkan produktifitas diri, meningkatkan self awareness dan memotivasi untuk meningkatkan kemampuan diri.
Dari TED saya memperoleh banyak pengetahuan, motivasi dan beragam cerita dari berbagai latar belakang seseorang. Sangat disarankan untuk mengikuti TED sebagai upaya peningkatan diri.”