Lumin Men's Skincare (Worldwide) Reviews

Lumin Men's Skincare

Lumin Men's Skincare

26 reviews

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Easy to register
Mobile device friendly
Overall experience
Worth to try

It's the best a man can get.

Excellent Opportunity!
Adrien Mithran
3 months ago
“My demeanor wasn't looking the best, I needed an upgrade. I searched across the internet and found Lumin men's Skincare.

I started using it almost a week ago and it's been my everyday routine so far. I use it everyday. I seriously think that it's a necessity in every man's life

The charcoal face wash. The packaging and the products that come in a set are amazing. I personally think that it comes in a small quantity but it's worth it.

I would recommend you start of with a trial set. Check your results for a week and then proceed

Date of this experience: 2024-07-04”
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Covering that you need

Excellent Opportunity!
azhar iqbal Iqbal
3 months ago
“I got to know Lumin Men's Skincare through PanelPlace I know the essential ingredients which provide nourishment to our skin and make it soft, smooth, glowing, and odorant.

Initially, I used it last year occasionally but I was compelled to use it daily. I was compelled to use it daily due to the protection it provides in hot dry and dusty weather Its use makes my skin smooth and glistening and I feel protected and comfortable. Now I even recommend it to my friends to use it once and make their own opinion.

The smoothness and prevent any dryness which also brings bad odour. But it is not available in all the medical stores so you need to keep a stock.

I recommend it especially those who have dry skin and are sensitive about the texture of your skin.

Date of this experience: 2024-06-28”
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i am going to tell you about my experience

Superb Opportunity!
Joud samardalyi
7 months ago
“i get to know Lumin Men's Skincare when i was searching at google for a good skin care for men.

well it's not me it is my father who started using in 4 month ago. my father frequently uses it twice a day to make sure he gets al good from it.

okay for my father the most useful ting about was that it helped his skin become better. for me and my father there is nothing to dislike about this brand.

yess i doo recommend it alottttt !!!!!! it is so useful for men's skin.

Date of this experience: 2023-11-02”
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Skin Care For Men

Good Opportunity!
Keiran Trembath
8 months ago
“I saw an ad online for the Lumin Men's skincare regimes and options so I applied for the Skincare package.

Started using it early 2019 and tried one of their free packages. I Only used it the once after receiving the free package.

Most useful about Lumin Men's Skincare is the containers and the carry bag that the items came within. After applying it to my skin I seemed to have a reaction to it where my skin was blotchy so I was unable to continue to use the creams after that.

I would recommend Because the creams were good and seemed to be properly sourced despite my skins reaction.

Date of this experience: 2019-02-16”
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The best product

Excellent Opportunity!
Gloria Shikatse Naa Klorkor Quaye
9 months ago
“I got to know Lumin Men's skincare through internet advertisement on Google. Actually,I bought it for a male friend who has been using it for years now. It's part of of my male's friend skin routine care.

Since i bought it for my male friend,I have seen significant changes on his body such as smooth skin which everyone talks about. So far my male friend has not made any complaints of the product.

I recommend Lumin Men's skincare to every male out there, try it and thank me later.

Date of this experience: 2024-01-19”
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User friendly web application

Excellent Opportunity!
Fanisa Shikwambane
South Africa
9 months ago
“Saw it on an advertisement on YouTube while scrolling.

I haven't used it as it's for men but I've bought for my brother and he is happy with the results.

It's now a go to product and it is part of the everyday skincare routine. The trio collection that helps with tired eyes and removed dark spots. It also lasts up to 2 months.

But the face moisturizer makes the face dry, it doesn't have enough hydrating agents that the face needs.

If you haven't tried it, try it now you are missing out a lot to better your skin.

Date of this experience: 2023-07-05”
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Incredible and user friendly

Excellent Opportunity!
Lisa Kaunda
10 months ago
“If you need to remove skin blemishes and scars and pimples and soften your look it suits any skin tone making a great choice. I have used this product for the past 2 weeks and the results are making. I use it in the morning and evening as routinely or maybe any other time I have taken a shower because with my skin it causes no irritation or problem no matter how frequently.

It’ moistens the skin and removes blemishes it increases the skin tone. Maybe if it came with a little more product and more other things like gels to go with it

Dark marks? Acne? Nobody wants that try Lumin men’s skincare that’s when you know it really does take care of your skin.

Date of this experience: 2023-12-03”
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This is the most user friendly application I have ever used

Very Good Opportunity!
Jennifer Fournillier
Trinidad And Tobago
10 months ago
“I say an ad about it online and said to myself I would buy it for my dad to try it out to see how it works. I bought it a year ago for my dad and he still uses it up to this day. My dad uses it everyday and it improves his wrinkles alot he looks alot younger.

Well the most useful about lumin men's skincare is that it make u look years younger. I don't have any dislike about it because it is 100% safe.

I would 100% recommend lumin skin care to others if u want to look 10 years younger I suggest u use lumin men's skincare.

Date of this experience: 2022-11-23”
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This worked for my husband

Very Good Opportunity!
Shi She S
10 months ago
“I got to know through social media about Lumin Mens skincare. I had gifted my husband during our anniversary and he is using it for past 2 months now. You need to follow the instructions on the skincare to get the desired results.

The most useful was under eye dark circle which has reduced. It needs to be more widely available not much people know about it.

For men skin care there are no much options available in the market I would surely recommend to my close ones.

Date of this experience: 2023-12-15”
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Best skincare product worth using for better and healthy skin.

Excellent Opportunity!
Flavia Nakato
10 months ago
“I got to know Lumin from Friends recommendation as the best skincare product for my boyfriend. Started using Lumin This year 2023 and months have passed and better results are looked at. Use it Daily as it is apart of the skincare routine to keep my boyfriend's skin shining and better.

Most useful about Lumin is It gives a better look free from stress and anxiety. Not yet found any for the fact that I have been observing it for quite awhile now.

It's a skincare product worth using to keep your handsomeness.

Date of this experience: 2023-11-28”
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