Hobbii (Worldwide) Reviews



15 reviews

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Easy to register
Mobile device friendly
Overall experience
Worth to try

Excelente produto

Superb Opportunity!
Simoni Custodio
2 months ago
“Pela internet . Quando estava procurando produtos com excelência para meu trabalho.

Faz alguns anos , estava a procura de fios específicos para confecção de uma peça. Normalmente no outono e inverno quando começo a produção.

E um fio que é muito bom de trabalhar, devido a sua maciez e não fica enroscando na agulha. E ótimo não tenho reclamação quanto a isso. Mas se houver concerteza avisarei , não para criticar mas para que melhore.

E um produto muito bom , para confecção de peças únicas para agradar seu cliente, a família com presente exclusivo e também você mesmo para ter essa experiência incrível de como é trabalhar com Hobbii.

Date of this experience: 2024-07-29”
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a web shop for all knitting equipment

Superb Opportunity!
Melda Uli Br Sitindaon
8 months ago
“I know Hobbii from my friends recommendation, so i tried to use it, and appearantly it's easy to use

i think i already use it about a few weeks, it's started this month. I use it quite often, I like to look at see the web whenever I have free time.

I'm just starting to knit, and this app provides a friendly interface for beginners like me, a lot of tool recommendations are given. But the minimum purchase that is too expensive to get free shipping.

This app is very beginner friendly, gives good tool recommendations and has a lot of discounts.

Date of this experience: 2024-01-03”
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Wonderful collection of yarns and crocheting tools

Superb Opportunity!
Atreyee Banerjee
10 months ago
“I Heard about it from a friend. I was looking for a genuine and good yarn shop to send something as a gift to my mother.

I Used it just once and had a good experience. I ordered yarns for my mother who is a crochet enthusiast and she loved the products. Since my first experience was a great success, I would surely order in the future.

Easy to navigate and order. Wonderful range of products. Nothing to dislike actually. It's a good experience ordering from hobbii.

I would surely recommend hobbii to knitting and crochet enthusiasts.

Date of this experience: 2023-12-11”
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It is user friendly.

Excellent Opportunity!
Dorcas Nwaolse
10 months ago
“I have seen their posts on social media platforms. I started using it early this year ,it's been six months. I use it Seasonally or occasionally especially when I need to knit.

It is the best place to get affordable yarn. It's the best. Nothing to dislike about the product. It is affordable.

Via WhatsApp status update or telephone conversation.

Date of this experience: 2023-11-29”
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Most user friendly app i've ever used.

Very Good Opportunity!
obinna Rejoice Mmachukwu
10 months ago
“well, i got to know about hobbii on panelplace and i must say, It's indeed what i thought it to be. Today for just 20 minutes.I will say using it for this past minutes feels like, i've been using it for a very long time.. No app like hobbii. I have not use it for long though. i just started using hobbii.

Most useful about Hobbii is you can find all kinds of products for knitting, crocheting, sewing & embroidery, macrame, cross-stitch, punch, and more. None for now. I must say, i don't dislike hobbii but, when i find a fault i will certainly, post a review for that.

Yes i will. I will recommend Hobbii to my friends and family. It's a nice app.

Date of this experience: 2023-11-26”
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Kreasi merajut

Superb Opportunity!
Setiyo Wati Parmanto
1 year ago
“Aplikasi sangat membantu untuk bisa mendapatkan bahan untuk merajut dengan berbagai macam banyak pilihan dengan harga yang sesuai dengan kualitas barangnya.
Cara pemesanannya juga mudah dan pelayanannya sangat ramah.
Recommend banget buat tempat kebutuhan merajut.”

great apps

Very Good Opportunity!
Ibrahim Ahmad Manurung
1 year ago
“I use hobbii because I like doing things that generate value. The hobby application is very helpful and supports me to continue to improve my hobby. The application is easy, friendly and great .I think this is a good website in terms of appearance, service, how to register and how to order. the appearance is very modern, the registration is fairly easy, the ordering is also easy”

Nice App

Very Good Opportunity!
Muhammad Hanif Nafis
1 year ago
“Saya pikir ini adalah salah satu website yang bagus dalam segi tampilan, pelayanan, cara mendaftar dan cara pemesanan. tampilannya sangat modern, pendaftaraannya terbilang mudah, pemesanannya juga mudah. jadi sangat rekomended dech”

Aplikasi web paling mudah dan ramah

Superb Opportunity!
Shella Marina
2 years ago
“Saya menggunakan hobbii karena saya suka melakukan hal-hal yang menghasilkan nilai. Aplikasi hobbi sangat membantu dan mendukung saya untuk terus meningkatkan hobi saya. Aplikasinya mudah, ramah, dan pada saat dipakai berjalan dengan lancar.”

Cool stuff

Superb Opportunity!
Liena Herawaty
2 years ago
“Various pattern helps you more to create something new. Boring is not known with the app. Explore more expereience doing your craft and maximize your creativity. Develop the latest with its extraordinary.”