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62 reviews

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Easy to register
Mobile device friendly
Overall experience
Worth to try

I don't need to waste time searching for desired job opportunities by browsing for long periods. is very helpful in finding jobs that match my skills and knowledge.

Very Good Opportunity!
1 day ago
“from, recommendation from some friends

I just starting to explore it today, it's quite easy to use

not sure for now as I just started , but it could be in daily basis

Ease of use, and its ability to match skills with vacancies.

The information about wages is somewhat confusing; it would be better to provide complete details about the work mechanism and payment process.

I will recommend it to my family and close friends.

Date of this experience: 2024-07-26”
Show more the platform that facilitates work and pay between clients and freelancers.

Superb Opportunity!
Johenn Aphane
South Africa
1 week ago
“I got to know through website. Searched via google search engine.

I started using the website from June 2023 until today as a data entry freelancer. I log in to the website more often because I have active account even though I don't get projects because of tough competition among other freelancers.

That is a platform that facilitates work and pay between clients and freelancers. Clients posts various types of jobs that can be done remotely, and the freelancers bid for the jobs. From the bidding, the clients will pick the freelancers to do the job. Once the project is done and accepted, the freelancer get paid. It is very easy to bid for the project when you have experience as a freelancer because there is too much competition. Unless you work with other freelancers that already bid for the projects but have too much work load that they share to complete their project fast and effectively.

But that you won't bid for any projects as a beginner because the competition is very high, only experienced reviewed freelancers can bid for the projects. Unless you are lucky.

I'll recommend, that offers different types of jobs, one of the best side of this platform is that you find large and small projects. This is great as freelancer because that provides you with many options. For example, if you are looking for side hustle, you can bid for small jobs. But if you have time for large projects, you can bid for something long-term that will keep you busy full-time and you can share among other freelancers.

Date of this experience: 2024-07-19”
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Best website for under aged to earn money from home

Excellent Opportunity!
Zed Relox
1 month ago
“The school year 2023-2024 has already come to an end, and i'm trying to figure out where can i earn money

I discovered this website on april, and i've been using it for almost 2 months

I mostly use whenever i have free time

The useful thing i found about it is, it gives opportunities for kids that want to earn

There's no such thing i disliked about

Whenever they have extra time or free time, they don't do anything, they are bored i suggest to use to not waste any time, because time is gold

Date of this experience: 2024-06-12”
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Web yang aman dan terpercaya untuk yang nyari pekerjaan freelance

Superb Opportunity!
ataa harimau kuning
1 month ago
“Awalnya saya coba coba cari pekerjaan freelance , eh ketemu sama web ini yang verifikasi akun gampang dan nyari pekerjaan pun mudah

Saya menggunakan Freelancer. com mulai bulan januari tahun 2024

Saya menggunakan Freelancer. com tidak terlalu sering karena saya menggunakan Freelancer. com jika ada waktu luang saja

Yang paling berguna tentang Freelancer. com adalah web nya aman dan terpercaya, mencari pekerjaan pun bisa sesuai skill yang kita punya

Yang tidak saya sukai dari Freelancer . com tidak ada, karena Freelancer. com memudahkan saya mencari pekerjaan sesuai skill yang saya punya

Buat kalian yang ingin kerja freelance , cobain deh web ini karena web ini mudah di akses dan terpercaya verifikasi akunnya pun cukup mudah, dan kalian bisa mencari pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan skill yang kalian miliki

Date of this experience: 2024-06-12”
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Website that provides a place to employ freelancers

Superb Opportunity!
Kristovel Simbolon
2 months ago
“I know from several influencers on social media. They explain briefly and clearly the purpose of the website

I've been using freelance websites for almost 2 years. I use it quite often, so when I have free time in the evening I will look at some posts that can increase my pocket money

Firstly, I respect it because it provides employment opportunities for several freelancers. And makes everything easier because of this platform. So far none I dislike. But maybe to make it easier for new freelancers.

Of course. For friends who want to add pocket money or other needs. This website will really help you.

Date of this experience: 2022-04-15”
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Most helpful site

Superb Opportunity!
Mujidat Ayangbemi
6 months ago
“I came across it on the playstore on my android phone.

I started using since August 2023 and I have been using it for 6 months. I make use of it everyday because I have a lot of connections.

It really helps in proving my self and also helps in making money. I have never came across something that has really made me dislike it.

I will recommend by sharing and canvasing telling my family friends about how amazing it is.

Date of this experience: 2024-01-01”
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Superb Opportunity!
Azuwa Khalid
10 months ago
“Saya mengunakan untuk menambah side income.selain tu saya ingin dapat menambahkan skill Dan pengalaman saya.tapi kebanyakkan adalah persaingan dengan orang lain.agak terkilan jika tidak dapat kerja”

Good website

Superb Opportunity!
Belll P
10 months ago
“I have tried this website and its highly recommended for people who are looking for extra money. This website providers various kinds of part-time jobs that can be done at home. I highly recommend this website.”

easy to use website. You can find jobs and compete for your design or work.

Very Good Opportunity!
Charles Kim Reyes
1 year ago
“I use freelancer as as a student to help me give my needs, but it a risk that you can lose or win. You can earn real money and have jobs after you winning. You must be creative and understand the instructions to win.”


Superb Opportunity!
Habib Firdaus
1 year ago
“Mudah di pahami dan tidak terbelit belit. Saya sudah menjadi anggota di aplikasi ini selama lebih 4 tahun. Dan sudah meraih banyak keuntungan dari aplikasi ini. Karena sering mendapatkan job yang sesuai dengan skill yang saya punya”