Videvo Free Stock Videos

Find free & premium stock contents at some of the lowest prices out there!

Videvo Free Stock Videos Worldwide Quick Overview offers a wide selection of totally free stock videos, Motion Graphics, music tracks, and SFX. In addition to our free library, we also offers a few Premium subscription plans that extend the footage and audio selection by tens of thousands of clips, all guaranteeing royalty-free licensing and video-editing quality.

Our plans are straightforward and the pricing is some of the most affordable out there.

The combination of free content with affordable Premium plans makes Videvo perfect for anyone in need of stock footage and audio who may be constrained with budgets, but who does not want to give up on quality. This includes anyone needing to create low-level marketing material such as promotional videos or social media content for businesses, YouTubers and other content creators, students, educators, and even videographers in need of specific shots or b-roll for their projects.

Videvo Free Stock Videos Worldwide Opportunities Overview

- Access to thousands of absolutely free stock Footage, Motion Graphics, and Audio clips.

- Same clips and contributors from large stock agencies at a fraction of the price.

- Three Premium Plans at price points for all users:
• Videvo Lite: $4.99 USD/month for 5 Premium downloads/month
• Videvo Plus: $14.99 USD/month for 25 Premium downloads/month)
• Videvo Pro: $24.99 USD/month for 50 Premium downloads/month, including the audio library.

Videvo Plus and Videvo Pro also come in a yearly subscription option, which makes the monthly downloads unlimited and represents 20% in savings over the monthly billing. Videvo Plus Yearly costs $144/year, and Videvo Pro Yearly costs $240/year,

Plans can be cancelled at any point and there is a satisfaction guarantee for anyone who is not satisfied with their subscription.


Videvo Free stock videos is very nice if you want videos or music ets

Excellent Opportunity!
Nitya sharma
2 years ago
“Videvo free stock videos is very nice platform for video, music, motion videos. The best thing I liked about this is that it's affordable and very easy to use and you don't have to waste much of your time here.”

Video Editor

Superb Opportunity!
masyitoh inayati
2 years ago
“cocok banget buat kamu yang suka ambil video atau editor video karna bisa banget dicoba. mudah beradaptasi walau kadang masi suka kurang masi banyak aplikasi lain yang lebih bagus sebenernya tapi kalau mau coba rekomendasi aja kok karna stoknya banyak, yang lain g ada kelebihan kayak aplikasi ini si”

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