Toluna Influencerrs

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Toluna Influencerrs Switzerland Quick Overview

Toluna is operated by the Toluna Group since 2000. From 10,000 members in 1 country in 2000, Toluna has expanded to 21 million members in 68 countries in 2018.

As a member, you can ask anything you like to millions of other members and get responses within seconds, getting answers has never been so easy!

Toluna also understands that engaging and maintaining relationship with members is extremely important, to us, that means more ways for you to earn rewards points.

Reward Types
Lucky Draw
Lucky Draw

Toluna Influencerrs Switzerland Opportunities Overview

Earn points to redeem for all kinds of cool stuff, from prize draw tickets for great new gadgets or getaways, vouchers for a large selection of stores including Amazon, HMV, Debenhams and many more.