surveyon (Hong Kong)

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5 USD (50,000 points)

surveyon (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Quick Overview

surveyon is an online survey website which belongs to Research Panel Asia.

Research Panel Asia owns up to approximately 3,000,000 panelists in Japan, Korea and China. From 2013, Research Panel Asia also launched surveyon websites in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippine, Thailand...etc.

surveyon focuses heavily on panel quality management, which relates directly to client service capabilities. As a professional firm in the market, surveyon takes pride in the experience and knowledge they have acquired over the years and the continued investment they continue to make in their growth. Research Panel Asia is a corporate member of a professional Market Research industry organizations ESOMAR, CASRO.

surveyon是一線上問卷調查網站隸屬於Research Panel Asia. Research Panel Asia擁有約3,000,000會員廣布於日本、韓國、中國。從2013年起,Research Panel Asia推出surveyon網站在台灣、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、印尼、越南、菲律賓、泰國…等等。surveyon將服務重心放在對會員品質上的管理,以及對每個會員的服務。因著豐富的線上問卷調查網站經驗,surveyon對持續成長相當有自信。並且,Research Panel Asia也為專業市調組織財團法人ESOMAR, CASRO的一成員。

surveyon (Hong Kong) Hong Kong Opportunities Overview

Earn points to redeem cash through PayPal. What’s more, surveyon exchanges points for cash every single week so that you don’t need to wait too long. More choices of rewards are coming soon.

Minimum payout: 5 USD (50,000 points)

