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Save up to 80% on your prescriptions with SingleCare prescription coupons. Compare Rx prices from your local pharmacies to get the best prices. Earn $5 off your next prescription and enjoy members-exclusive bonus savings with the free SingleCare app and keep your SingleCare coupons handy!

SingleCare United States Quick Overview

Prescriptions aren't much fun. Doctors. Insurance companies. Crazy prices. And that's on top of whatever drove you to the pharmacy in the first place. At SingleCare, we believe that feeling better shouldn't be painful. Our super-smart system and close relationships with the big pharmacies mean we can set lower prices on tens of thousands of drugs.

So with or without insurance, showing your SingleCare card to your local pharmacist means you can save big time on the stuff that really matters. Join the millions saving billions with the SingleCare Rx savings card more people rely on to feel better.

We partner with 35,000+ and counting pharmacies nationwide, some of which include CVS pharmacy, Walmart, Walgreens, Albertsons, Kroger, etc.

Our team has extensive experience in healthcare, technology and consumer-focused startups. We are passionate about our mission and deeply committed to bringing affordability, transparency and simplicity to the Rx experience.

It’s free and easy to save on your prescriptions. Here’s how.
SingleCare works directly with pharmacies to negotiate up to 80% off prescription prices. We pass these savings onto our members, free of charge.

1. Start with a search
Look up prescriptions to find the lowest prices in your area. Click on a prescription to customize the dosage and quantity.

2. Get a free coupon card
Download, text, or email yourself a free SingleCare coupon card. It can be used at participating pharmacy locations, and it’s completely free.

3. Save on your scripts
Show the coupon card to your pharmacist. They’ll input the magic numbers from the card and your savings will be automatically applied.

SingleCare United States Opportunities Overview

$5 to start
We'll add $5 to your account just for signing up.

Earn automatically
Earn bonus savings simply by filling eligible prescriptions.

Save even more
Apply your bonus savings to our already discounted prescriptions.

Compare prices by pharmacy
Search SingleCare for prescriptions at major pharmacies. Compare brand-name and generic drug prices and how much you can save with SingleCare’s.

Get a free coupon card
Email, text, or print your SingleCare discount prescription card to get your special price.

Save up to 80%
Simply present your SingleCare prescription savings card to the pharmacist at the counter and get your discount.

Enjoy great saving and convenience when getting your prescriptions today with SingleCare!