
Make Life Easier with RoboForm - the Top Rated Password Manager

RoboForm Worldwide Quick Overview

RoboForm alleviates the burdens associated with password management by remembering and generating passwords, automatically logging into websites, and even completing long online checkout forms with a single click.

First released and continually updated since 2000, RoboForm is the original password manager. RoboForm Enterprise, the first business version was released in 2009. RoboForm Everywhere is the premium cross-platform subscription service for individuals and was launched in late 2010. In 2015, RoboForm for Business was re-launched as a software as a service solution (SaaS). In 2017, with the release of version 8, they transitioned to a freemium model for their consumer offerings. The same year, they released RoboForm Family, allowing Everywhere users to add up to 4 additional members to their plan!

RoboForm Worldwide Opportunities Overview

RoboForm alleviates the burdens associated with password management by remembering and generating passwords, automatically logging into websites, and even completing long online checkout forms with a single click.

- One click Logins: Leave the hassle of typing usernames and passwords behind. RoboForm logs you in to websites with a single click using AutoFill or select a Login directly from RoboForm.
- Anytime, anywhere access: Supported on multiple platforms including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and all major browsers.
- Keep your passwords in sync: The RoboForm Everywhere secure cloud keeps your passwords backed up and in sync across all your browsers and devices.
- Offline access: Desktop and mobile apps provide offline access to RoboForm data. In addition, the desktop and mobile versions offer optional local-only storage.
- Stay organized: Store and categorize all your passwords in easy-to-manage folders. Pin your favorite Logins for easy access. Use RoboForm’s strong search functionality to save time and effort.
- Besides web passwords, use RoboForm to store credit cards, notes, Windows application password, bookmarks and contacts.
-Refer a friend and get 6 months FREE RoboForm Everywhere!


Very useful app

Superb Opportunity!
Jodelyn Ann Laurito
3 years ago
“I have been using RoboForm for years and it is A GREAT APP. It secures all of my passwords and logs in fast on every device so I dont need to keep forgetting it nor saving it in an unsafe notepad. It literally does everything I need impressive!”

Manageable yet complicated.

Good Opportunity!
Jourdan Paul Ilagan
3 years ago
“Ive tried this applicatoin a couple of weeks , you can generate strong random passwords yet very complex. This tool same with other apps can also perform one click for password and user ids but you have to risk on linking on to the app.
So far so good..”

Aplikasi yg cocok untuk kamu menyimpan semua password dari akun yang kamu miliki

Very Good Opportunity!
Jhon Keluarga sejahtera
1 year ago
“RoboForm adalah aplikasi password manager yang memungkinkan kamu untuk menyimpan semua password dari akun yang kamu miliki. Aplikasi ini juga bisa langsung mengisi form login pada akun-akun yang passwordnya sudah kamu simpan disini. Selain itu aplikasi ini juga ada di browser IE, Chrome, dan Firefox. Berikut fitur lengkap yang bisa kamu dapatkan dari RoboForm:

One click login yang memungkinkan kamu langsung login ke akun web yang kamu akses
Multi-step Login: Untuk menghindari orang yang menggunakan akun kamu
AutoSave Login untuk menyimpan password otomatis, kamu juga bisa menggunakan mode manual
Melihat laporan Login, Bookmark, Identitas, Kontak dan Note
Membuat dan Mengedit Login, Bookmark dan Safenotes
Kamu bisa login dari device manapun yang mendukung RoboForm
Dapat mengisi form Identitas dengan otomatis”
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