Yay Images

Get gorgeous, affordable, streaming stock images on Yay Images with one subscription!

Yay Images Worldwide Quick Overview

We are a small group of passionate people who are on a mission to simplify and improve the way we all use stock images online and offline.

We’ve been around since 2008 and we currently represent over 5 million royalty free images and 8000 photographers. YAY is still managed by its three founders, all three passionate about innovation and technology. We also have a great team of people working with us!

In February 2019, Yay Images was acquired by Doublesix LLC. We look forwarding to growing our distribution, creating new avenues, innovations and experiences for our contributors.

Yay Images Worldwide Opportunities Overview

Get the images you want and the legal protection with 100,000 photos added every week, including high-resolution images, vectors, and graphics.

- Visual Search
It's never been easier to find the perfect picture. Have a color palette you want to keep? Or want to see variations of an image? Drag and drop an image to our visual search, and presto you'll see lots of perfect images. Use images from the YAY search result, from your computer or from another website to find similar images. Add filters to make Visual Search even more powerful.

- Text Space Search
Want to add text to a picture? Tell us where you'd like the text to be, and our search will find you pictures with space for text.

- Roll-over unused images
Didn't get to use all your images? No worries, they will roll over to the next month automatically!

- Cancel at any time
You can cancel your subscription at any time. Cilck on Profile, and you'll see the cancel button under the subscription you have. We'll keep hosting your images, even when your subscription is over. 30 day money back guarantee.

- Flexibility
Do your image needs vary throughout the year? With Yay's subscription plans you can upgrade and downgrade as you need to. If you'll need lots of images for coming months, you can save up by staying on your plan and accumulating roll-over images.

- Commercial License
Use the images you've licensed for almost everything! Advertising, marketing, apps, games, blogs, books, magazines, design, web design, presentations, TV, movies, websites and more. Just don't use them in any criminal or defamatory way.

- Copyright Protection
Rest assured. With all of your downloads, you are protected up to $25,000 per image with our copyright protection guarantee.


Average Web Application

Very Good Opportunity!
Marnie Bayer
2 years ago
“I tried yay images because I was looking for HD photos and videos. But I couldn't find what I was looking for. They don't have enough photos for clip arts and animated pics. They have high definition photos and the website is also user friendly. It is easy to search and find what you are looking for. However, you need to subscribe in order to get quality images and vectors.”


Superb Opportunity!
Glyn Brigitte Baunillo
9 months ago
“I’m a beginner and this product helped to create images like a pro. At last a product that would make my portfolio look expensive. I can’t believe I can use this with just a click and the result is superb.”

Easy to use and its awesome!

Superb Opportunity!
Sheena Shahani Moholea
7 months ago
“Yay Images is a reliable and user-friendly platform for accessing a wide range of quality stock photos and videos. Its pricing options are competitive, and the licensing terms are clear and fair. While the content quality is generally excellent, there is room for improvement in curating the library to ensure the highest possible consistency in quality and originality. Nonetheless, Yay Images is a solid choice for anyone in need of stock visuals for their creative or business projects.”

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