alamy Stock Photos Library

See more with the world's most diverse stock photo library and get royalty-free stock images and videos from alamy!

alamy Stock Photos Library Worldwide Quick Overview

We sell images. We add over 100,000 new images every day, sourced from photographers and photo agencies in 173 countries. We pay our photographers a higher percentage of the sale than our competitors and it’s easy to get your images online.

We have a bigger, broader, more unique collection than any other library and every day we supply thousands of creative professionals including designers, marketing departments, news desks, and publishers with images produced by the best professional photographers around.

We have the best customer service in the industry, our friendly team of image buying experts are on hand to help you out via email, phone or live chat wherever you are in the world.

We’re proud of doing things differently and philanthropy is an important part of our company DNA. Since 2007, we´ve donated over $6 million to good causes, including medical research, and educational research. Since 2010 we’ve distributed solar lamps to Haiti, Southern India and Southern Sudan.

alamy Stock Photos Library Worldwide Opportunities Overview

We have over 255,769,201 million stock photos and 502,824 footage. And with Alamy Live News, our contributors from all over the world reach breaking news events. From award winners to specialists in their field, we've got the best creative and editorial imagery and footage from around the world, sourced from over 600 agencies and a network of more than 60,000 individuals.

Inventories are segregated in the following groups for easy searching:

✓ Themed categories – a handpicked selection of images for some of the most searched terms
✓ Fresh picks - a selection of the latest imagery curated by our content team
✓ Stockimo – our exclusive collection of creative, of-the-moment mobile photography

Users can now explore over 6 million premium 4K & HD videos too!

Try out Alamy today and access to the world's most diverse stock photo library!


Largest collection of images I've ever seen

Superb Opportunity!
Racquel Laron
3 years ago
“I've encountered similar stock photo libraries, but so far, this is the one that I like best. User-friendly, updated on a daily basis, pleasing to the eyes, I get why more people are browsing this library for specific photos”

A Treasure Trove of Stock Photos and Videos

Superb Opportunity!
Walfred Tripon
3 years ago
“Alamy is, if not, one of the best stock photo providers. They have millions of ranges for photos, videos and 360 images. It's easy to browse and very user-friendly.

Photographers, too, will have a grand time showcasing their images and videos for online purchasing. It is a great venue to share and at the same time profit. Photo enthusiasts, creatives and photographers will have a blast with Alamy.”

It us the most user friendly web application.

Superb Opportunity!
Deborah Alyssa Mae Ballesteros
3 years ago
“It is more reliable than any other applications out there. You gotta try it and be satisfied. Happy User here. 🥰🥰🥰 Definitely tell my friends about this application. This app can store lots of photos”

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